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Перформанс "Times of change", NYC

Это был очень смелый опыт (сам факт организации перформанса в Нью Йорке).

Столица мира собрала зрителей не только с разных концов США, но и разных уголков континентов.

Были истории про глобальные проблемы, про взаимоотношения, про жизненные решения.

Отдельное спасибо артистам из Нью Йорка - Саре, Эн и Фри, и нашему волонтеру - Анике!

Фото Anika Krempl и Michael Fenichel

Мы также просили зрителей оставить свои мысли, ответив на вопрос:

"Please, finish the sentence. Times of change are ..."

- frightening. Suffering seen in the streets and on the screens with few open channels for orderly change leaves me feeling helpless which leads to hopeless which leads to inaction which leads to depression. NO! Resistance! Speaking out even with the risks. And into those streets.

- constant and expansive, with both crises and opportunities.

- Change is inevitable. But not effortless.

- an opportunity to face truth, share stories, and connect.

- Times of change are what we are all waiting for!!

- here and we must focus on the positive and support each other.

- Time of change is now: equality, civilitation, climate changing..

- powerful knowledge and inspirational technology

- world with no boundaries

- making our bones sing...

- very challenging and raw

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